Calgary Cannons Rebranding

Graphic Design & Brand Development
Team Members
Ronald Atutubo, Chris Nicdao
Project Overview
For this project, Chris and I were tasked with creating a condensed brand guideline. We chose to redesign the Calgary Cannons, a now-defunct minor league baseball team that played a significant role in Calgary’s sports history. The Cannons brought future baseball legends to the city, allowing Calgarians to witness the talent that would later dominate the major leagues.

Design-wise, our goal was to honour Calgary’s rich history while staying true to the essence of the original Cannons logo. We aimed to modernize the design by aligning it with current standards and practices, while maintaining the iconic elements that made the brand recognizable. This project also gave us the opportunity to practice creating a professional document, including a brand guideline, that reflects both the heritage and evolution of the Calgary Cannons.
My Contributions
I was responsible for designing all the logos featured in the brand guideline and played an integral role in shaping the overall copy and format of the document. I collaborated on key design decisions, particularly regarding typography and layout, ensuring consistency and clarity throughout. Additionally, I led the design direction, defining the tone and selecting the photography style. I also contributed to the decision-making process for the color palette, working closely with my team to achieve a cohesive visual identity.